Thursday, October 4, 2012


Wow! There are changes all around for our family. David's job has been redefined and things are changing with the company. Josephs job is also changing. This may mean that he will get a better shift- not the 2-8 or the 430pm-130 am shift he had been working. Jacob has also changed jobs- he will be working at corn bellies until Halloween . All this was shaking out and I thought I was safe from anything messing with my routine--- wrong!! I was released from teaching the 14-15 year old girls in yw and asked to teach the 3 year old kids instead. I was so sad about leaving the awesome yw program but teaching the sunbeam class is a happy change.
On a different note, my hollyhocks are blooming!! I planted them from seeds this spring. Hollyhocks are very traditional flowers, and remind me of the pioneer era. Our home was set up with more a western rustic feel when we moved in and we are wanting to change it more to a Nauvoo feel. I think the hollyhocks will help that right along!!cu: